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Our Programs

Welcome to the Programs page of Doing What We Dream, Inc.! Here, you'll discover the heart of our organization's mission to empower and guide youth on their journey to success. Through a variety of impactful programs, we strive to inspire, educate, and uplift young minds, helping them to follow their dreams and make a difference in their communities. From educational initiatives and mentorship programs to community service projects, each program is designed to nurture the potential within every child and provide them with the tools and support they need to thrive. 

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Dream Builders Community Service

This program is aimed at fostering a culture of service and civic engagement among youth. Through various service projects and volunteer opportunities, youth learn the importance of giving back to their communities.


Broken Smiles

The Broken Smiles program is crafted to empower children and teenagers navigating the complexities of self-doubt, bullying, and feeling misunderstood. It seeks to mend the emotional and psychological impact of these challenges.


Building A Better Future

This program is designed to help promote the well-being of our youth, as they strive for success in life. Our goal is to work with youth throughout the Metro Jacksonville area to provide tutoring services, after-school activities and more to nurture their growth.

Buddy Reading Program (K-2nd)

We pair older students with younger ones to read together, focusing on building literacy skills, vocabulary development, and fostering positive relationships.

Environmental Stewardship (3rd - 5th)

We will educate students about environmental issues, sustainability, and conservation through outdoor activities, gardening projects, and natur walks.

Art Exploration Program (K-2nd)

We engage young students in creative art projects and activities to encourage self-expression, imagination, and fine motor skills development.

Health and Wellness Programs (6th - 8th)

We will promote physical and mental well-being among students through fitness challenges, mindfulness exercises, and nutrition education workshops.

Peer Tutoring Initiative (3rd - 5th)

We pair older students who excel academically with younger peers who may need extra support, promoting academic achievement and building leadership.

Creative Writing Club (6th - 8th)

We will provide opportunities for students to explore their creativity and develop their writing skills through storytelling, poetry, and journaling activities.

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